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Your personal information will be processed by Medical Fabjan d.o.o. and Emazing for the purpose of the application for the procedure, the implementation of the procedure, the calculation of the services and the sending of general offers. In the event that you decide to carry out the procedure, we will keep your personal information until the cancellation, unless the regulations of the Republic of Slovenia and the EU establish otherwise. By clicking on the“Free consultation”button, you confirm that you are informed that the company Emazing d.o.o will use my personal information for improving the site and my whole aesthetic experience. By using the site, I agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy. I agree that the company Emazing d.o.o. informs me of news in the sectors to which, based on the data provided, believes I am interested in and I am aware that I can cancel this consent at any time.